Online Publications
"Angel" in Missouri Review
"SB 43" in Rise Up Review
"Take Me to the Fairgrounds or the Hospital" in Diode
"germ-plasm" in beestung
"How Glitter Was Invented" in just femme and dandy
"Thorazine at 10:00 A.M." in Poetry Magazine
Essay: “Mad Queer Magic” in just femme and dandy
"In Danger (To Myself & Others)" in Sprung Formal
"Babylon" in TYPO
"Mad in America" in Stone of Madness Press
"Living on God's Dime" in Muzzle Magazine
"Bible|Vers" in Hobart
"Chromosomes to Name the Wild" in The Rupture
Responsive Poem to exhibit "It Was Always Us!"
"A Love Affair with They/Them/Theirs" in He She They Us: Queer Poems (Pan Macmillan UK)
"Sonnet for the armadillo in the front yard" in Mid/South Sonnets (Belle Point Press)
"In Texaco, Graffitied in the Bathroom" in Stonewall 50, Sibling Rivalry Press (Out of Print)